Thank you for visiting. I’m Rosemary Johnson, enthusiastic writer and reader of contemporary and historical fiction.

I have wanted to have a book published since being a child. How many times have you heard people say this, and never do it? As a teenager I used to scribble all the time, in little red Silvine notebooks and, later, on the computer.  I completed many novels, which, I’m now relieved to say, never got further than my hard drive.  However, a few years ago, I retired from teaching IT at a college of further education in Essex and challenged myself to do NanoWriMo.  (Non-writers, NanoWriMo is where you have to write a novel, or 50,000 words of a novel during the month of November.)  I reached my 50,000 word target during the month of November, and won the badge.  But 50,000 is very short for a novel so I then finished writing the first draft of what would become Wodka, Or Tea With Milk three months later.  And, after much redrafting, editing and heart-searching… Wodka, Or Tea With Milk was published by The Conrad Press in September 2023.

I also write short stories and flash fiction pieces, and these have appeared online – in CafeLit, Friday Flash Fiction, Mslexia, The Copperfield Review and elsewhere – and in print – in Radgepacket and Scribble and others.  (I used to hide under the pen-name Charlie Britten but now I’m Rosemary.)  I hope to continue composing shorter pieces, to review books for Together (the trade magazine for Christian book publishers and retailers) and for Hannah’s Bookshelf (on North Manchester FM).

So here I am – writer and reader, blogger, keen cook, web developer and general computer nerd and cat-lover. And a Christian. I live on the Suffolk/Essex border with my husband, Bret, who is a musician, and a very good one. When you’re retired from paid work, you seem to collect voluntary roles; me, I manage the Association of Christian Writers’ website and my local church’s website.

You will see my writing blog, Write On, on the top menu. Please also take a look at my two other blogs, Dear Reader (book reviews) and Travel On (a travel blog). I’m also hoping to start a cookery blog soon. Meanwhile, do follow me on Twitter @REJohnsonWriter and on Instagram @rejohnsonwriter/